Clean & Lean March 2019
Clean & Lean March 2019
Mindy Cowap is now 6 months into the Clean & Lean programme, has lost more than 5 stone and is reaping the health benefits of the programme. Look out for Mindy’s Time for Change blogs to find out more.
Clean & Lean has gained momentum through The Hollies’ businesses; 32 and 59 have been selling many Clean & Lean burgers receiving very positive feedback. The Kitchen at Lower Stretton hope to introduce the Clean & Lean burger and the Clean & Lean Banana & Almond cake to their menus some time in March.

Clean & Lean ingredients and products continue to be identified at Little Budworth and are now also highlighted with the Clean & Lean stickers and shelf-edgers at Lower Stretton, making it really simple to put meals together. To help with more great food ideas there are recipe cards available in the farm shops and recipe films across our social media pages.

If you’re ready for a food revolution, where amazing tastes of goodness open up to you offering many health benefits, then Clean & Lean by Emma Wilson Fitness is a great choice.
A no nonsense, simple approach to eating means you can enjoy real food, consume good healthy fats which are vital for good brain function, bone health and physical wellbeing and learn which foods to choose for YOUR life, giving you the best chance to THRIVE.
Removing all the confusion about what’s healthy and what’s not, giving you:
- More energy, no slumps, balanced blood sugars.
- Less bloat, improved IBS symptoms, better sleep and less cravings.
- Ability to shed body fat!
No need to get to a class or group, it’s all there online in a private group. You receive full support from Emma Wilson recipes, weekly guidelines and home workout videos. Fresh outlook, fresh food, fresh start for your health and wellbeing.
Enjoy putting amazing flavours together and experiencing the health benefits of such fabulous foods.
Get in touch with Emma to find out more.
Emma Wilson Fitness; Local health, nutrition & fitness expert
www.emmawilsonfitness.co.uk| [email protected]

Categorised in Delicatessen, Farm Shops, General