Time for change – My Time for Change
Signing up to the Clean & Lean programme by Emma Wilson Fitness 15 months ago has brought so many positive changes to my life, but there’s a helluva change coming and it’s so exciting.
Amidst the weight loss, Sahara treks, jobs, fitness classes, parenting and life, a friendship between Emma and I has evolved, along with genuine shared passion and natural working partnership, that means we both want to help other women feel the best they can be.
It feels like it’s now OUR time for change as Emma and I are proud to officially launch My Time for Change, the rebranded Clean and Lean by Emma Wilson Fitness. Whilst I remain at the heart of The Hollies Farm Shop (it runs through my blood as much as Phil & Ed’s now), the collaboration with Emma Wilson Fitness also remains strong and I am thrilled to working alongside Emma to drive forward a business we are both very enthusiastic about; My Time for Change. I have had the time of my life over the last 15-months, I have gained and lost so much (nearly 6 stone)! (Please see my blogged journey, which encompasses the new lease of life, the happiness and the ‘anything is possible’ attitude I have gained. https://www.theholliesfarmshop.co.uk/tag/my-time-for-change/)
I believe in Emma & her online programme so much, that it became the most obvious decision for us to come together & grow My Time for Change so that more people can reap the benefits that we, Emma’s clients, our friends, family and colleagues have already benefitted from! We both want women to feel as empowered, as capable and as happy as we do! It is so possible when you embrace the online programme.
My Time for Change encompasses health, wellbeing and fitness for women 35+. A monthly online food & fitness programme that helps women to feel their very best, particularly as they approach the peri-menopause and menopause years. Emma and I, both in our mid forties are witnessing many changes in ourselves both physically and mentally. In fact Emma recognised a few year’s ago that despite her fitness regime remaining the same it was becoming harder to stay in shape, feel on top her game and manage the stresses of life and its laundry! Emma sought out the science within nutrition to get ahead of her own body and mind, from which her Clean & Lean programme grew. As Emma noticeably changed – physically she became more toned, her skin glowed – her clients began to notice. They asked more questions which led to Emma setting up her monthly programme; Clean & Lean by Emma Wilson Fitness. The online programme has evolved over the last few years recognising that women really do want to take control, work smarter not harder and that we are all stronger together!
It’s a no nonsense simple approach to food, without calorie counting. It’s about changing habits, improving lifestyle, increasing energy levels, balancing hormones & mood and encouraging you to live the life you love. Emma is with you every step of the way; bubbling with support & positivity, daily knowledge to help you shift behaviour, recipes to get those taste buds tingling, a supportive group and a workout of the day that can be done in the comfort of your own home within 10 minutes!
If you want to find out more because it’s your time for change, to take back control, to feel better and to enjoy your life then contact Emma;
[email protected] | 07971 596529 | www.mytimeforchange.co.uk
The Hollies Farm Shops have a range of ready meals available in the Clean & Lean / My Time for Change range which don’t contain rice, potato or pasta, just protein, good fat and lower carbohydrate. Why not try the Cottage pie with celeriac mash or the Bolognese with butternut squash noodles? Plus an all-new Beef Hot Pot with a parsnip topping. Across the menus in the Coffee Shops & Restaurants there are dishes which are highlighted as Clean & Lean / My Time for Change, all of which use the best ingredients from the Farm Shop, put together by our team of chefs.
January is always a good restart marker, but anytime can be your time for change with My Time for Change!

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